Weather and environmental data and solutions Vaisala Xweather provides users around the world with highly accurate real-time and historical weather data to optimize operational decisions, drive research and development, and support a wide variety of business use cases. The data you need — where and when you need it Vaisala Xweather builds on Vaisala’s deep measurement experience to produce the highest quality weather and environmental data.Available in a variety of formats and easily tailored to fit a range of use cases, Vaisala Xweather data services and APIs include automotive infotainment and road weather, AI and cloud-native observation technology for road management, severe weather and lightning tracking for aviation and other applications, historical and forecast data for solar and wind energy projects, and real-time weather and weather mapping APIs for any location in the world. Explore Vaisala Xweather data and solutions Visit to see how superior data quality gives you real-time and historical weather intelligence to support decision-making across a wide variety of industries and applications. Go to Digital Data and Services Automotive Weather High-quality weather and road weather data to support advanced driving technology and infotainment systems, and enhance overall safety and comfort of both drivers and passengers. Learn more Aviation Highly reliable and accurate information to power advanced warning systems, protect personnel from severe weather, and maximize airport operations during storm events. Learn more Lightning Detection Receive real-time, accurate data about lightning and severe weather data for any location worldwide to create alerts and make proactive safety and operational decisions. Learn more Renewable Energy Long-term historic data for specific sites and regions and accurate wind and solar forecasts provide renewable energy project owners and managers with the information they need to minimize risk and maximize output year over year. Learn more Road Asset Management Support maintenance decisions in your road network by automatically identifying and assessing assets such as pavement defects, signs, and lane markings condition. Learn more Winter Road Maintenance Highly accurate data to enable more strategic deployment of scarce resources, safer winter weather operations, and data-driven decisions. Learn more Weather Data & APIs Powerful modeling and weather measurement create extremely accurate real-time weather data for wide variety of business and consumer applications. Learn more