Standards and policies Code of Conduct Code of Conduct Vaisala Code of Conduct Anti-Corruption Policy Anti-Corruption Policy Vaisala Anti-Corruption PolicyVaisala condemns corruption and maintains a zero-tolerance approach towards all corruptive practices. Our Anti-Corruption Policy strictly forbids offering, giving, soliciting, arranging, demanding or accepting bribes, whether directly or through third parties. Periodical Code of Conduct trainings cover topics relevant to the Anti-Corruption Policy, too. Violation of the International Anti-Corruption Policy by employees can lead to disciplinary actions up to and including termination of employment. Suppliers Suppliers Vaisala Partner Code of ConductSupplier RequirementsSubstance compliance requirements for Vaisala partsThe Supplier Code of Conduct reflects Vaisala’s values and the Code of Conduct, and is based on principles created by the International Labor Organization (ILO), the United Nations Global Compact initiative, and the Responsible Business Alliance (formerly EICC). The Supplier Code of Conduct contains requirements from standards and policies formulated by the above-mentioned organizations, as well as those of the Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) and Social Accountability International (SAI). Quality, Environment, and Health and Safety Quality, Environment, and Health and Safety Quality, Environment, and Health and Safety ManualQEHS ManualQuality Management SystemISO 9001 Certificate (in English)Environmental Management SystemISO 14001 Certificate (in English)Occupational Health and Safety Management SystemISO 45001 Certificate (in English)ISO 45001 Certificate (in French)ChemicalsREACH SVHC Declaration Human Rights Human Rights Modern Slavery Statement and Statement on Human Trafficking Vaisala Code of Conduct The Code of Conduct is the core of Vaisala business conduct and reflects Vaisala Values: Integrity, Strong Together, Innovation and Renewal, and Customer Focus. All our employees, together with our partners, distributors and agents, are required to comply with the Code of Conduct at all times. Longstanding Vaisala Code of Conduct was updated in 2024 in order to further promote understanding of the importance of ethical behavior and to ensure compliance.All Vaisala employees are required to complete online Code of Conduct trainings periodically. All new employees acknowledge their compliance with the Code of Conduct and Anti-Corruption Policy as part of their employment agreement, and they take part in introduction programs concerning various company policies, including the Code of Conduct.Violation of the Code of Conduct by employees can lead to disciplinary actions up to and including termination of employment. Due to the wide geographical reach of Vaisala’s business, we operate in various countries with a demanding business climate. Consequently, special attention is paid to the business partner selection, where the preliminary desktop investigation is usually followed by a more thorough due diligence, performed either by Vaisala’s own personnel or by external consultants. Agreements with our business partner typically contain strict clauses on immediate termination in case of any breach of the principles of the Code of Conduct or the International Anti-Corruption Policy. Both documents are integral parts of the signed agreements. Vaisala Code of Conduct Vaisala discontinued its business in Russia and Belarus as of March 1, 2022 Vaisala discontinued its business in Russia and Belarus as of March 1, 2022. Currently, we do not offer or deliver any projects or orders, including spare parts, or provide any technical support or assistance to any Russian or Belarusian company or partner, or for use in Russia or Belarus.Vaisala’s products are classified as goods that cannot be exported to Russia or Belarus. It is prohibited to sell, supply, transfer, or export, directly or indirectly, Vaisala’s products or technical information related to Vaisala’s products, to any natural or legal person, entity or body in Russia and Belarus or for use in Russia and Belarus. This requirement is based on both current regulations in Europe as well as the current Vaisala Group policy applicable to all subsidiaries of Vaisala Oyj. In addition to possible actions taking by the authorities, violating this policy will result in refusal of the purchase order, cancellation of the remaining deliveries, and refusal to enter any future transactions with a company who violates this policy. Additionally, if the company has an existing partnership agreement with Vaisala, a violation of this policy will result in an immediate termination of the partnership agreement.