Road weather conditions - for mobility and safety

    Unrivaled awareness

    Snowplow clearing a road


    Vaisala’s weather and environmental technologies enable unrivaled road network awareness — keeping roadways safe and efficient in any season. Our solutions are informed by our 85+ years of innovating and have made us the gold standard for precision and reliability.

    Our holistic approach provides customers with end-to-end simplicity, valuable partnership, and a comprehensive portfolio of solutions that are constantly evolving.

    We are recognized experts in transportation, and we continue to channel our curiosity into new ways of making roadways safer and more efficient than ever.

    Move ahead

    Hands-free driver using car dashboard technology


    Vaisala technologies identify the impact of key weather and environmental factors — enabling full road network awareness and keeping roadways safe and efficient in any season. Whether we’re improving the movement of goods and people or innovating alongside the world’s automotive leaders, we’re making roads better, today and tomorrow.

    Only Vaisala provides data of unrivaled depth and breadth while synthesizing it into objective decision support — so everyone can keep moving toward better, more insightful ways of operating.

    Mobility & beyond

    Road covered with snow and ice


    Vaisala technology is the gold standard in the roads industry. With solutions spanning from all-season road maintenance to adaptive traffic management and advanced automotive applications, we put users a step ahead in managing weather and environmental related risks.

    We deliver the right insights to the right people at the right time, enabling a wide range of stakeholders to act with confidence and achieve a comprehensive understanding of their road networks and the vehicles on them — creating better, safer outcomes for all.

    The innovators

    Vaisala staff reviewing data together in a meeting


    From sensors to systems and digital services, Vaisala has been innovating for 85+ years. Our groundbreaking transportation technologies have been proven in the most demanding environments and routinely used to develop creative, new applications — earning the trust and confidence of stakeholders across the world.

    As a recognized industry expert, we continuously apply our knowledge and experience to create next-generation solutions that advance the industry; enabling stakeholders to innovate and optimize road networks like never before.

    See, understand, decide

    Vaisala road network weather data and insights on a monitor


    Vaisala solutions provide the actionable intelligence that stakeholders need to improve their entire road network. With objective, reliable insights, they achieve new levels of certainty related to weather and environmental situational awareness.

    Each of our roads technologies gives users rich data intelligence that improves real-time decision-making as well as observation enhanced forecasting to enable strategic planning. With a better, fuller understanding of their road network, our users can do their jobs more decisively and effectively than ever.

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    Contact Us

    Ready to see how Vaisala’s sensing technology can be put to work for you? We’re here to help! Please contact us and our industry experts will be in touch quickly to discuss your weather and environmental monitoring challenges.

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