Mobile GRF Reporter

    Immediate runway data



    Designed to meet the ICAO’s Global Reporting Format (GRF) guidelines, Vaisala’s Mobile GRF Reporter offers an efficient, cost-effective way to quickly assess and report on runway conditions. The real-time weather data provides valuable information to drive pilot and airport personnel decision-making, ultimately enhancing aviation safety and expanding airport operational capacity.


    Intuitive Technology

    Vaisala’s powerful MD30 Mobile Detector sensor is easy to install on any vehicle and is powered by trusted optical measurement technology that performs up to 40 measurements per second. The sensor then relays the data to an easy-to-use app that can be used on- or offline during active measurement.

    Video recording of sensor data provides an easy way to trace, validate, and verify runway assessment data.


    Proven methodology

    The Mobile GRF Reporter uses proven methodology to make real-time measurements of runway conditions. By automatically assessing and synthesizing runway contaminant type and layer depth, the Mobile Reporter allows runway inspectors to focus on other condition variables, such as foreign objects or surface damage risks.


    Compliant, objective reports

    The technology uses real-time measurements, augmented by video recordings, to create comprehensive and reliable reports on runway conditions that meet GRF reporting standards.

    Furthermore, the technology allows different inspectors to assess and report on conditions in a more consistent, objective way, removing human error and bias.


    All conditions reporting

    GRF-specific conditions are automatically inferred by the software and can be edited by the inspector as needed.

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    Ready to see how Vaisala’s technology can be put to work for you? We’re here to help! Please contact us and our industry experts will be in touch quickly to discuss your weather and environmental monitoring challenges.

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