Upper Air Radiosondes RS41 and RS41 E-models

World-Class Radiosondes

Upper Air Radiosondes RS41 and RS41 E-models


When weather predictions are accurate, more people and their communities are protected from danger and socioeconomic impacts. Upper air soundings help provide a complete atmospheric weather profile, which enables weather organizations to make accurate forecasts.

Vaisala RS41 Upper Air Radiosondes provide world-class data to meteorological institutes and organizations, and are known for their accuracy, reliability, and ruggedness.

Vaisala’s radiosondes provide upper air weather measurement data including temperature, humidity, pressure, and wind speed and direction, and perform even in the most demanding weather conditions — all in a robust and easy-to-use design.

Streamline launch preparations, reduce human errors, and lower operational costs of upper-air weather observations with Vaisala’s Radiosondes.

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Resources: RS41 E-Models

Resources: RS41 Standard Models

Contact Us about radiosondes

Want the full picture when it comes to atmospheric weather?

We’ve got you covered with upper air radiosondes that provide the most accurate, dependable, and high-quality data available.

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